Friday, July 15, 2011

Footprints that are lost in the sands

We all seem to have a direction for our footprints. Some people seem to have their footprints all in control. But what are we suppose to do when our footprints stray?  What is 'Stray' really?

I think we all set out to know where our prints are suppose to go or where we want them to go but when they don't - we adjust. We then just do our best to put our prints back to where we set out to have them be.
Our footprints show us where we've been and where we are going..but, what do you do when you look behind you and your prints are getting washed up by the sand? What does that say about you?
I personally believe that they have stopped showing you where they have been and you are always unsure of the future and every step you take only gets washed up by the sands of life. 
You don't realize but when you begin to lose your footprints, you have begun losing yourself.
 We lose our sense of direction...we lose our self worth, our confidence and sadly, we lose our sense of knowing what is actually right anymore.

We become so immuned to what we do and what is handed to us that we begin to see no hope for dreams. Have our dreams gotten lost in the sands too?
We stop believing with our hearts.

The next question is how do we find the strength bring our footprints back and stay in the sand?
How do we make the significant change in our lives without others telling us we are doing it wrong? or We are being seen as our actions are ruining things? Ruining things...that burns me a little. You need to change you to be a better person for others family, children or anyone else. But why do people tell you that but yet when you do make changes they insist that you are 'ruining' things for other? 
You need to be happy with yourself in order to be a better person for others, You need to have love in your life and in your heart in order to show your children or family about love. That is how I was taught.
I guess that once we have the strength to change our ways is when our footprints stop getting lost in the sands.

So my thoughts are this.... when you feel you are not on the path you wanted to be on or set out to be on and if you can no longer see your footprints don't allow them to be lost. Don't allow your dreams escape along with the the love from your heart. Stop and refocus and your footprints will be seen again.

Everyone deserves to shine and allow their footprints to be seen by everyone.
~Never Stop Dreaming from the Heart~

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