Friday, July 1, 2011

Our Footprints in Life Honoring 4th of July


a civil holiday for the celebration of the anniversary of the beginnings of national independence; specifically : July 4 observed as a legal holiday in the United States in commemoration of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 : According to Webster's Dictionary
Independence Day means more to many around the world... especially now.
I am very grateful and thankful of ALL the men and women who have served in all arms of service.


We unfortunately have lost so many people in our latest war. However, I am happy to know that we are bringing them can't be soon enough though. The war is over and yet we are STILL losing people....why?
Everyone worries when loved ones go to war and which they should but some don't realize that not only are they saying they are willing to die for them but they are making a bigger sacrifice, they are willing to die for their country.
Many have died for their country fighting for our rights....our freedom.
Freedom to vote, Freedom of speech, Freedom to be who we are and yet, many in this country take all of that for granted and will jump to say that things aren't fair or their life isn't free and yet, in a way, I at least feel there is a little contradiction going on.
We have many dying for our freedom but yet, nothing in this world IS free....hhhmmm
You have to work for everything....however, when you work for it, you get to keep it...the material things many countries one will work long hours and for what? They are not allowed to have anything.
I think people today should really stop and take a look at the bigger picture here... they are just too caught up with what is going on around them every day to really see that their personal belongings....are theirs for a reason. Their rights to a fair trail stems from a Declaration of Independence...but that was formed by people having to fight and die to keep it that way.
So please, this 4th of July please take a moment to thank a military member or thank them in spirit for them sacrificing their lives for our freedom.

"If we wish to be free, if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending; if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious objective of our contest is obtained, we must fight; I repeat it, sir, we must fight ! An appeal to arms, and to the God of Hosts, is all that is left us!"
-- Patrick Henry

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